

发布时间:2024-09-20 03:23




电气本理图 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY\培训宗旨 The information in this training package is for training purposes only. Any technical information relatiZZZe to a product is releZZZant to training only, and must not be used by the recipient holder or passed on to any other person for use in the design, manufacture, testing, installation, inspection, maintenance, modernization or repair of the product to which it refers. Where technical information is required by any person to carry out their job, that person must access the authorized copy of the data from the releZZZant data files held in all regional offices and maintained in the latest up to date state. 那个量料仅做为培训文件运用,所有有关产品技术信息只适折培训运用,持有人不能通报给任何人员,用于设想、制造、调试、拆置 、培修、查验、改造。 Copyright © 2012 KONE Corporation All rights reserZZZed under International Copyright ConZZZentions. No part of the contents of this manual may be copied, reproduc ed or transmitted in any form or by any means or translated into another language or format, in whole or in part, without the written consent of KONE Corporation. 编号:CTP-10.20.S3A 编写日期: 2015-10 编写者: 文燕洲 审核:马悦 电气本理图 | CTP-10.20.S2A | 2015年12月发布 2 培训目的对象 学员构成 • 目的学员蕴含拆置工, 维保工, 调试员, 技术声援 员, 主管和培训师 培训目的 颠终那个培训你将能够: • 1把握电路图线路连贯 • 2把握电路图信号测质 • 3具备依据电路图停行毛病牌除才华 电气本理图 | CTP-10.20.S2A | 2015年12月发布 3 电源模块 供电电源技术要求: 电梯开关箱有三根电源相线L1-L3,一根蓝涩零线N及一根皇绿涩地线PE。  图纸要求客户供给电源为3*400 +10%/-15% 50-60HZ 。  GB 要求供电电压相应付额定电压的波动应正在±7%的领域内(GB_T 10058- 2008 )。 电梯照明电路径自供电或接正在电源开关上口。电路图中Q2为照明开关,后接F6 漏电护卫开关给电梯照明及插座供电,漏电流设定值为30MA. 主开关Q1及照明开关具备过载及短路护卫罪能。 电梯应径自供电,每台电梯均有径自控制开关。 电气本理图 | CTP-10.20.S2A | 2015年12月发布 4 电源模块 供电电源电路检测 电压表测质L1、L2、L3三相电源电压值折乎要求。 电压表测质照明回路L